Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Call To My Heart

*Photo found on Pinterest

"Be still, my heart"

It's become a colloquialism we use, but mostly in a joking manner. We see a new gadget we want, "Be still, my heart." Someone attractive enters the room, "Be still, my heart!" It's just this thing we say, this phrase we use, these words we speak. Not meaningful words nor wishful words. Just words.

But do we want our hearts to truly be still?

I don't remember what it was that made me think it, but this past week I did - something caused me to mentally say, "Be still, my heart!" Right after thinking that, these other thoughts were thought, "What does that actually mean? Do I really want a still heart?"

As a noun, the word still isn't such a problem for me. 

"Deep silence and calm; stillness. 
Synonyms: quiet, tranquility, peace, serenity"

I'm okay with this definition. I would like my heart to stay calm when storms arise in life. I would enjoy my heart being peaceful in the face of fear. I would love a heart that resembled a tranquil state rather than an offended one. I would be happy to have a serene heart.

But as an adjective? 

"Not moving or making a sound. 
Synonyms: motionless, unmoving, stock-still, immobile, inanimate, stationary"

This definition I am not so okay with in regards to my heart. I do not want a heart that is unmovable, a heart that is stationary. A heart that stays silent in the face of injustices. Oh no, I do not wish to describe my heart in this way at all.

  *Photo found on Etsy

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."(Proverbs 4:23) To me this doesn't sound like a heart that is stock-still. This Scripture does not bring an inanimate object to mind when I read it. "The wellspring of life"  brings to mind the words active and alive, not motionless or transfixed. I prefer the type of heart described in Scripture.

I want a heart that is moved by the happy and the sad, the good and the bad. I want a heart that is purposeful and intentional in it's beating. I want a heart that is pumping blood throughout my veins because, no matter what, life is a gift and it is good to be alive.

I want my heart to race with exhilaration when I'm tasting freedom astride my horse. I want it to leap with joy when I witness a person accept and believe that Jesus Christ died just for them! I want it to be a living conduit for Christ's love to flow through. I want it to be filled with warmth and laughter as I watch my niece and nephews be crazy kids.

I want my heart to do the happy dance at the sight of my husband's smile. I hope it always pounds in thrilling anticipation of his arrival home after a day spent apart. I desire it to always remain thankful to be looking into eyes that are full of admiration of me and adoration for me. I yearn for it to sync with his heart and beat alongside it for the rest of our lives.

I pray to have a heart that beats with real humility as I endeavor to obey Scripture and "boast only about the LORD." (2 Corinthians 10:17NLT) I long to have mine seek justice for wrong-doings, but never lose sight of mercy and grace. I wish to have a pure heart before the Lord, one free of bitterness and anger.

I yearn for a heart that breaks for what breaks the Father's. I do not want it to be still when I hear the horrifying stories of humans being trafficked and sold into modern day slavery. I do not wish it to remain unmoved when I look into a face that bears the marks of betrayal, abuse, and devastation. I do not ask it to stay stoic when I'm seeing animals who've been neglected and discarded. I want it to overflow with love for those who others have deemed unlovable.

How can I be all that God's called me to be if my heart remains still? How can I be a light in this dark and broken world if my heart remains immobile? How can I embrace the hurting people if my heart ignores their silent screams? How can I genuinely love if my heart resembles a stone?

*Photo found on Etsy

"Be still, my heart."

It's just another phrase we say without really thinking about it's meaning. This week, however, I did think about it. I pondered it and wondered about it. I considered if I was having a conversation with my heart would, "be still" really be the words I'd wish to say? My conclusion is no. No, those would not be the words that I would let pass through my lips. I'd tell it all the things I've now told you, the readers. 

I'd tell it to embrace each day, to take new journeys, to open up freely. To beat, to pulse, to race, to pound. To break, to heal, to love, to feel. And one thing I'm now certain I'd tell it for sure:

*Photo credit -

My heart, don't you dare be still...

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