Saturday, December 15, 2018

~ the end of a decade ~

Dearest Twenties,

It seems impossible to me that our time together is drawing to an end. How has it already been ten years?! It feels as though we just met the other day and yet, here I sit writing you a goodbye letter. I think time sped up on me without my consent!

How do I put into words all the emotions I’m feeling today? The excitement over meeting Thirty and seeing what adventures we get up to together. The sadness over leaving the comfort I’ve found with you behind. I feel a bit out of sorts with this change happening once today rolls into tomorrow and tomorrow becomes my new today. Thirty is coming to take your place whether I feel ready or not.

You and me, we’ve had quite a ride these past ten years, my friend. Filled with hills and valleys I wasn’t sure we’d survive and hairpin turns that left my brain spinning with their swiftness. Sometimes it seemed we were unstrapped in a tilt-a-whirl with no way off the ride, despite my begging for it all to stop. Oh, the things we encountered along the way…

At the start of our journey, we picked up an unwanted passenger, Sickness, causing us to make visits with Betrayal and Heartache. While Betrayal’s visit was swift, Heartache has continued to flit in and out of our life over the years. And that pesky Sickness has made itself quite at home {but I'm praying it gets an eviction notice soon!}

We also met Peace in the midst of raging life-storms, when it made no sense for it to even be there. We met Hope that helped brighten a seemingly dark future when Sickness was really being a bully. We met Joy that gave us strength for the hard times, a way to smile and press on despite the pain.

We met Love… so much Love. We encountered it in the Father’s heart towards us, even when we felt so very undeserving. It broke through the walls Shame & Guilt were trying to build around us, introducing us to Freedom & Grace instead. It showed up in the support of those closest to us, the ones who stayed true when others walked away. 

And Love showed up in the heart of a man, JRB. [Out of all the people we met during our time together, Twenties, he’s my favorite.]

We sure have encountered a lot of Love.

*Photo found on Pinterest

Oh, the things we’ve done this past decade. The experiences we’ve had, the paths we’ve traveled with loved ones. The good, the bad, and the in-between. I’m learning to be thankful for them all.

Hospitals. Musicals.
Weddings. Divorces.
Funerals. Births.
Hellos. Goodbyes.
New adventures. Daily routines.
Among the clouds. On the ground.
Crowds. Solace.
Silence. Speaking.
Crying. Singing.
Weakness. Dancing.
Laughter. Tears.
Confusion. Trust.
Worry. Peace.
Doubts. Faith.
Hurts. Forgiveness.
Hate. Love.
Acceptance. Judgment.
Broken. Healed.

The list could just keep growing as I take my trip down memory lane. Soon, the memories I’ve made with you and the photos taken to document them will be all that's left of our time together. And I’m learning to be thankful for that too. Because, even though I’m sad to see my time with you end, Thirty is an adventure I didn’t think I’d get to take. So to be here, on the verge between what is and what will be, is an incredible place to be!

To you, Dear Friend, I extend my heartfelt thanks for this amazing adventure. It wasn’t at all what I envisioned my time with you would be, but I’m thankful for each moment - the good and bad alike. 

Thank you for the lessons you taught me: 
to keep fighting and never give up, 
to keep dreaming and dream big, 
to keep loving like I’ve never been hurt,
to embrace “but if not..”,
that there’s beauty in surrender,
to choose His will over my own,
& Love wins.

I will carry the wisdom gained during my time with you into the next adventure, to help me continue growing into the woman He’s called me to be. Though our portion of my story must soon end, I’ll forever hold you in my heart. Thank you for giving me some of the greatest moments of my life. I won’t forget you…

Onward I must go. I sure hope Thirty is ready for me!

Love you big,

*Photo found on Pinterest