Wednesday, January 15, 2014

a lesson in True Beauty

I have a confession to make ------ at times, I can be embarrassingly vain.

I've always tried to avoid this cavity in my life. I try not to spend so much time looking at my reflection in a mirror that I fail to look beyond myself to the others around me. I aim to not get so caught up in my outward appearance that I overlook what really matters, what's on the inside of me. 

"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." (Proverbs 31:30ESV)

I strive to live a life where I pay more attention to what's going on in the heart of me rather than live a life where I'm ultimately more concerned with what I'm wearing and how I look. I want to be a woman who fears the Lord, not one overly concerned with my charm and beauty.

Before I get too far, let me clarify something - I am not talking about simply making myself look presentable. I am not criticizing the things we do to help ourselves feel pretty on any given day. This is not a call to throw away the makeup and hair products nor to dress in rags. What I'm referring to is spending too much time on outward appearances, obsessing over every detail because we're concerned with others' opinions of us, worrying so much about how we look that our appearance becomes our main focus. 

I'm saying this because that's exactly what I did a couple days ago. I was going somewhere that I knew would lead to having my photo taken and I became obsessed with finding the right outfit. I didn't think about the people I would come into contact with in regards to them as a person, but instead I thought about them in regards of how they'd perceive me.

For a few hours I got completely entangled in thoughts and worries over my outward appearance. It wasn't good enough to look presentable, to look good, I wanted more. How I would achieve it was beyond me, but I was determined to figure it out. My bed began to look like a tornado had hit it due to all the clothes I'd thrown on it. An outfit was tried and then discarded. If it was lucky, it got picked back up for round two. But nothing screamed, "Wear me!!!" Everything was too blah, nothing was striking me as "just right"

"What am I going to wear? What am I going to wear? What am I going to wear?!?" This annoying phrase was on repeat, it seemed. Then, a whisper broke through the chaos in my brain and some verses in Scripture came to me that I very much needed to be reminded of in my current state of mind.

"So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it." (Colossians 3:12-14MSG)

                                                                          *Photo found on Pinterest

After that much needed reminder from my Savior, I was once again able to think clearly. It didn't matter what outfit I chose because what I was wearing wasn't what was truly important. How I would treat the people I would come into contact with, that was important. If difficulties arose in the process, my reacting out of love instead of anger, that would matter. Being a light in this dark world, being an example of Christ's love no matter what chaos I might encounter, being mindful of what kind of impact I was having on those around me, loving others with a genuine love - these were the things I needed to be focused on. 

So I did my hair, I put on my makeup, and I chose an outfit (an outfit that hadn't even been one of my original choices, no less.) I got ready for my evening with a sense of peace now instead of panic. My heart was once again attuned to what was important. Where I had recently been so frantic to have people see a beautiful me, my focus now was that people would see Beautiful Him when they looked at me instead. I wanted to be seen less so He could be seen more.

It's ridiculous to me now just how much time I spent trying to figure out what to wear to go get my license switched over to my new married name and address. I was way too concerned about finding the perfect outfit for this occasion, it's absurd! I knew they were going to have to take a new picture of me for my license and this led to my silly behavior. Have you gotten your license yet? If so, then you can understand why me being worried about my clothes for this picture is so ludicrous - the picture on your license is only of your head and part of your shoulders. It doesn't matter what you wear because nobody will see it in the picture! 

I'm so thankful for a God who loves me in the midst of my craziness. I'm also sure I provided a few laughs for Him and the angles throughout my fiasco of searching for the perfect outfit. Now, I'm joining them in the laughter because, honestly, I was being pretty weird. You just gotta laugh at your weird sometimes...

It's sad how we, as humans, can get so sidetracked and focused on the wrong things. The importance we at times place on how things look, how we look, is somewhat appalling. It's so easy to get caught up in the lie that what we look like is what matters most. The world is always spouting off at us and shoving images at us about how we're apparently supposed to appear. They get us to spend so much time and money on pursuing their definition of beautiful that we often end up sacrificing the things that truly matter while we lose sight of how beauty is defined by Him.

Perhaps it's time we redirect our gazes inward. For me, my prayer is to be made more aware of what the Lord sees when He gazes upon me rather than be concerned with how I look to the world. I'd much rather appear beautiful before my Savior than appearing attractive to the world.

"The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7NIV)

Monday, January 13, 2014

a little girl's story

She was a little girl who loved life. Her blonde hair shone in the sun as she wallowed in the pleasures of being outdoors, embarking on whatever adventure her young mind came up with. She was so happy at home, so brave in her own little world, though she tended to be shy when interacting in the world outside of her home. She'd often hide behind her mommy or daddy, completely trusting them to protect her from the scary parts of the world. It was accepted and allowed though because she was only a child. Her parents didn't push her to grow up too fast.

                                          *Little me full of innocence and giggles... and pop, apparently :)

She was happy in her part as the youngest of the family. She knew her parents both loved her, her brother was her favorite toy, and her sister was the coolest and smartest girl she knew. Her days were spent playing and being free. Always cared for, always protected, always loved. Her life was good and she was secure in her world… but the little girl had yet to grasp the Truth of the enemy who "prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:8NIV) This enemy who comes "to steal and kill and destroy" (John 10:10NLT) her purpose in life, the callings God's placed on her, the life she was created to live. He wants to ruin her peace, her joy, and her trust. He comes to shake the foundation of everything she believes in and leave her timid and afraid, uncertain of whether she's truly wanted or loved at all. He seeks to destroy her. 

One of the worst parts for this little girl would end up being that she didn't even understand when he slipped the lie into her brain and it would be many years before the truth was once again revealed.

                               *My wonderful siblings and I way back when - check out that couch!

She isn't quite sure but looking back now she believes she was around eight years old when it all changed. She had read or heard about a boy who's daddy didn't want him to be born. When this boy's mommy found out she was pregnant, the daddy wanted her to have an abortion because he didn't want the boy, but the mommy refused. She was scared and alone, but she refused to abort her baby. So the little boy was born and his mommy loved him so much! He grew up under the loving care of his mother, allowed to be a child, then a teenager, and now a grown man. He grew up but he did it without a father.
After learning about his story, the little girl began to wonder about how her own parents felt when they found out they were pregnant with her. So she did the most logical thing, she simply asked her mommy. Through that question she learned the story - the story of how her parents were both very happy when they found out about her and that they both wanted her. Her mommy also told her about how she almost didn't come to be. After mommy had her big brother an appointment was made to have mommy's tubes tied which would prevent her from having any more children. When the nurses came in to prep her though she began to cry. Mommy didn't want to have the procedure, she didn't have peace about it, but she felt like she had to have it because it was already scheduled and the doctor would be coming soon. The nurses explained to her that if she wasn't feeling ready for this, she shouldn't do it. That she didn't have to do it, it could be cancelled and it wouldn't be a problem. So mommy didn't go through with it, she didn't have the surgery. And roughly twenty-three months later she gave birth again, this time to the little girl. 

                                                              *Daddy holding me at the hospital <3

It's a good story, this one, of how the little girl came to be. But the enemy took the little girls story and twisted it with the little boys story she'd just learned about and he whispered lies to the little girl. They became jumbled in her brain without her even realizing it. In her story, her mommy being unsure about having her tubes tied turned into her mommy being unsure of whether to have the little girl or not. Where the truth had been that her parents were happy when they found out they were pregnant with her, the lies took it's place and it became that, for a little while, her parents considered aborting her. 

"They already had the perfect family," the lies whispered. "Two kids. A girl and a boy. They didn't need another baby. They didn't want another baby. They were happy when they found out about their oldest two, but they actually had to think about whether they wanted you or not. The thought to not have the other two never even entered their minds, but they actually considered not having you. They didn't always love you. They didn't always want you."

The lies sunk in without the little girls knowledge. Her foundation was shaken without her feeling the tremors. Where her games and adventures had always been filled with good and right, they began to shift. Evil had entered her world, evil had left it's mark. She can tell you now of one specific instant in her childhood that testifies to this fact. She was alone on the trampoline, playing some imaginary thing or other. She doesn't remember what she was playing, but she does remember pretending that the boy from the story, the one whose daddy didn't want him to be born, he was there. Whatever it was, the little girl spoke the lie as if it was true as she told the little boy, "My parents didn't want me either. They had to actually think about whether to keep me or abort me."

As the girl grew she didn't really think about this anymore, she didn't question the lie. She just lived as if it were true, never even realizing what had happened. Never even aware of the shift in her thinking or beliefs. Completely unaware of the impact it was having on her everyday life. Where before she would enter a room without thought, she now would hesitate before taking that step. Her mind was always filled with insecurities about whether people would want her around or not. It followed her everywhere she went - the playground at school, around her house, family functions, church events, youth group, sports teams, etc. She always felt so insecure but she never knew why. 

It was when she was no longer a child but had grown into a young woman that the lies started being reveled. She was struggling with some things and so she sought out a Christian counselor. In one of her sessions they hit upon these insecurities. The counselor told the woman that she was confused because the woman talked about her parents and how much they loved her, about how she grew up in a wonderful home never having to fear abuse or neglect, about how her and her siblings were friends. She told her story of a good childhood full of love and happiness, yet the woman still struggled with feeling unwanted. She was saying she knew her life to be one way, but she felt differently. So the counselor asked the woman to close her eyes, think on her feelings of being unwanted, and see what came to mind. The scene the young woman saw was this:
She was a little girl again on the playground at school. The kids were all running and playing in the sunshine, laughing and having a good time. The girl, however, was in what appeared to be a bubble that the sun couldn't penetrate. She was on the outskirts of the playground and surrounding her was a haze of blue, an overcast of shadows. She was alone and isolated. She could see all her friends having fun with each other, but she wasn't a part of it.

The counselor and young woman talked about the scene, pondered what it meant. The woman began to realize that the truth of how things were and how she perceived them or felt about them were vastly different. She could look back and remember her friends reaching out to her, people wanting her around. She wasn't left alone, she wasn't excluded. She was always included, always accepted. But yet she'd always felt like an outsider, she'd always seen herself as (here's that ugly world again) unwanted. It was a good session, but there was no "AH-HA!" moment for the young woman. Even though she now understood that her vision had always been skewed, no reason was revealed as to why she always felt this way, so insecure about others wanting her around them, so afraid of being rejected. So used to the feelings of being unwanted. No, that revelation wouldn't come until later, in a moment that took her completely by surprise.

It came on a day that was just another ordinary day as the girl stood before her dresser mirror straightening her hair. She doesn't really remember what was going on in her brain when the revelation hit her, but she's pretty sure she was praying. In a split second her ordinary morning contained an extraordinary moment. It was like doors were suddenly thrown open and a room in her mind was illuminated. From one moment to the next, she was aware of everything. The lies the enemy had fed her. The impact it had had on her whole world since she was still just a little girl. The many ways she'd been living in belief of this lie without even being aware of it. One thought revealed it all, a small voice whispering to her, "They never considered aborting you."

                                                                                      *Photo found on Pinterest

With the whisper of truth came such a sense of wonder and delight. I was awash with this feeling of total weightlessness, this taste of true freedom. As I'm sure you've guessed, this is my story. I was that little girl who grew up feeling the suffocating effects of the insecurities caused by the enemy's lies. I grew up with the wonderful parents in a loving home yet still felt unwanted. It was not because of anything my parents ever said or did, there's no memory I can ever recall that would add weight to the lies I was fed by the enemy. The lies that I was unwanted, that my parents had to decide between keeping me or aborting me is just that, lies. When God revealed the truth to me, when my heart and mind were set free from these lies for the first time since before I was eight, I was undone. Tears flowed and my heart rejoiced. I was laughing and crying at the same time, so overcome by this feeling of LIGHT that came with the truth. I had always been wanted. They never questioned what they were going to do about me or with me. They already knew. They were going to have another baby and they were going to love this one as much as they loved their other children. They were happy about me. I was finally seeing that my family wasn't complete without me. My mom didn't have peace about the operation because it wasn't the right time, she didn't have me yet. But after I was born? She had no anxiety or qualms about it at all. I was here now, she was holding me in her arms, and our family of five was complete.

                                                                    *Photo credit -

I share this part of my story with a prayer that God will use it to encourage someone. Sharing these parts of myself isn't easy, but if it can bring hope to a heart, than the pain on my end is worth it. You are worth it. I don't know your stories, I don't know where you are in life, but He does. I don't know what lies the enemy has fed you and led you to believe, but He does. I don't have the power to rescue you and save you, but He does. I don't have the ability to eradicate the enemy's lies and bring healing to your hearts and minds, but He does. "..greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world." (1 John 4:4KJV)

I've typed and erased so many conclusions to this post. Every one I've tried just feels off, nothing is working for me. It's all gibberish or just doesn't flow. Maybe it's because there isn't an ending yet? This whole post has been about part of my story and perhaps I can't type the right ending simply because my story isn't finished yet. So I'm not going to sit here any longer and try to come up with the right conclusion. I'm going to leave you with a verse that keeps repeating in my brain and stop obsessing over whether I wrapped this all up in a pretty enough bow.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33NIV)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Call To My Heart

*Photo found on Pinterest

"Be still, my heart"

It's become a colloquialism we use, but mostly in a joking manner. We see a new gadget we want, "Be still, my heart." Someone attractive enters the room, "Be still, my heart!" It's just this thing we say, this phrase we use, these words we speak. Not meaningful words nor wishful words. Just words.

But do we want our hearts to truly be still?

I don't remember what it was that made me think it, but this past week I did - something caused me to mentally say, "Be still, my heart!" Right after thinking that, these other thoughts were thought, "What does that actually mean? Do I really want a still heart?"

As a noun, the word still isn't such a problem for me. 

"Deep silence and calm; stillness. 
Synonyms: quiet, tranquility, peace, serenity"

I'm okay with this definition. I would like my heart to stay calm when storms arise in life. I would enjoy my heart being peaceful in the face of fear. I would love a heart that resembled a tranquil state rather than an offended one. I would be happy to have a serene heart.

But as an adjective? 

"Not moving or making a sound. 
Synonyms: motionless, unmoving, stock-still, immobile, inanimate, stationary"

This definition I am not so okay with in regards to my heart. I do not want a heart that is unmovable, a heart that is stationary. A heart that stays silent in the face of injustices. Oh no, I do not wish to describe my heart in this way at all.

  *Photo found on Etsy

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."(Proverbs 4:23) To me this doesn't sound like a heart that is stock-still. This Scripture does not bring an inanimate object to mind when I read it. "The wellspring of life"  brings to mind the words active and alive, not motionless or transfixed. I prefer the type of heart described in Scripture.

I want a heart that is moved by the happy and the sad, the good and the bad. I want a heart that is purposeful and intentional in it's beating. I want a heart that is pumping blood throughout my veins because, no matter what, life is a gift and it is good to be alive.

I want my heart to race with exhilaration when I'm tasting freedom astride my horse. I want it to leap with joy when I witness a person accept and believe that Jesus Christ died just for them! I want it to be a living conduit for Christ's love to flow through. I want it to be filled with warmth and laughter as I watch my niece and nephews be crazy kids.

I want my heart to do the happy dance at the sight of my husband's smile. I hope it always pounds in thrilling anticipation of his arrival home after a day spent apart. I desire it to always remain thankful to be looking into eyes that are full of admiration of me and adoration for me. I yearn for it to sync with his heart and beat alongside it for the rest of our lives.

I pray to have a heart that beats with real humility as I endeavor to obey Scripture and "boast only about the LORD." (2 Corinthians 10:17NLT) I long to have mine seek justice for wrong-doings, but never lose sight of mercy and grace. I wish to have a pure heart before the Lord, one free of bitterness and anger.

I yearn for a heart that breaks for what breaks the Father's. I do not want it to be still when I hear the horrifying stories of humans being trafficked and sold into modern day slavery. I do not wish it to remain unmoved when I look into a face that bears the marks of betrayal, abuse, and devastation. I do not ask it to stay stoic when I'm seeing animals who've been neglected and discarded. I want it to overflow with love for those who others have deemed unlovable.

How can I be all that God's called me to be if my heart remains still? How can I be a light in this dark and broken world if my heart remains immobile? How can I embrace the hurting people if my heart ignores their silent screams? How can I genuinely love if my heart resembles a stone?

*Photo found on Etsy

"Be still, my heart."

It's just another phrase we say without really thinking about it's meaning. This week, however, I did think about it. I pondered it and wondered about it. I considered if I was having a conversation with my heart would, "be still" really be the words I'd wish to say? My conclusion is no. No, those would not be the words that I would let pass through my lips. I'd tell it all the things I've now told you, the readers. 

I'd tell it to embrace each day, to take new journeys, to open up freely. To beat, to pulse, to race, to pound. To break, to heal, to love, to feel. And one thing I'm now certain I'd tell it for sure:

*Photo credit -

My heart, don't you dare be still...