Wednesday, May 21, 2014

a heavenly military

These last several weeks have been rough ones for me. I've been sick quite a bit, seemingly facing a decline in my health. Along with the physical pain comes emotional and mental distress as well. So to say it's been a trying time would be quite accurate (possibly even an understatement.) There are always good things to be found, blessings in my life every day, but sometimes the pain of my chronic illness becomes so intense that it begins to consume my vision. At these times it's harder for me to see the good due to all the supposed bad that I'm facing. 
Over the course of these weeks, I've found myself frequently questioning God on His plans and whereabouts. I've asked the questions of whether I'll ever find relief or is this pain going to be my constant companion throughout my days. And while browsing through my computer home screen, I came across some words of hope.
They were found in a draft for a blog post that never got finished. I was a little hesitant to share it now due to it's unfinished state. But the message behind the words reached me, so I'm going to share them even if they're not yet a finished product. I pray He will encourage another through them as He did with me. 


Image Via Delvalina Tuanger

For some reason the chorus to Chris Tomlin's "Whom Shall I Fear [God of Angel Armies]" song has been repeating throughout my brain today. At some point while singing it, I began to really ponder the message behind the words. 

"The God of Angel Armies… angel armies. An army of angels. That must be a spectacular sight when they're dispatched from Heaven!" I began to muse on just what it would take for God to send them out. And do you know what I think? The answer is us. I believe God dispatches His angel armies on behalf of His children. We're the ones these beings are sent out to protect.

"Evil can't get close to you, harm can't get through the door. He ordered his angels to guard you wherever you go. If you stumble, they'll catch you; their job is to keep you from falling." (Psalm 91:10-12MSG)

I'm a visual person, so when I tried to picture how this might look, what came to mind were scenes from some of my favorite movies (kind of weird, but I just went with it.) It's these very scenes that actually make the movies ones I can watch over and over again.

You know the scenes I'm talking about, the ones in which it appears that the bad guys have won, but then the music shifts and alerts you that something's about to happen? With that change in music there comes a change in attitude and you begin to anticipate the unveiling of what happens next. Instead of sorrow at the villain winning, you start to feel hope of the hero prevailing. Then it happens; the scene where the bruised and battered hero arises and defeats the vicious villain. 

When Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas once again take up their weapons against the evil ones and refuse to surrender. They face so many battles against an enemy whose numbers are greater than their own. They fight battle after battle, never giving up. They will fight to the death if death is what awaits them, all with the hope that Frodo (and Sam) will succeed in destroying the ring. It's the scenes where help arrives when they've all but given up hope. 

It's when Sam refuses to give into the Decepticons in Transformers: Dark of the Moon. Instead of giving up, he stands against them even though he's just a normal guy (well… not really so normal, Sam's actually quite strange.) Even though it appears that his friends, the Autobots, are gone from the earth. It's when Lennox deploys with his military units and Epps rallies his group of overlooked heroes all because they refuse to hand over the world to evil's latest attack.

It's the scene where all of the Avengers stand together against Loki and his army to save our planet. Throughout the movie our heroes have squabbles and skirmishes amongst themselves, but when it really matters they band together to fight the villain. Iron Man goes so far as to sacrifice himself for the greater good. And in the way that all good movies go, he survives though he shouldn't. Good wins and Loki's plan is foiled.

Yes, I am aware I'm somewhat of a nerd and that I just revealed it to y'all by using these scenes in my blog post. I'm completely okay with this part of myself. Moving on...

These are the scenes that make my heart race with pride and my skin develop a serious case of the goose-bumps. I have no part in the battles and I'm aware it's only a movie, but it doesn't stop me from cheering the good guys on and rejoicing in their triumphs. Which leads me to this thought - if mere men can write these stories of fiction depicting the heroes defeating their villains and evoke such strong reactions within me, how much greater would my wonder be if I became aware of the angelic forces surrounding me? 

"In my desperation I prayed, and the LORD listened; he saved me from all my troubles. For the angel of the LORD is a guard; he surrounds and defends all who fear him." (Psalm 34:6-7NLT)

There are many accounts in the Bible that speak of God defending and protecting His people. A few that I'll share with you are:

When King Jehoshaphat placed those who led in worship to march before the soldiers, God destroyed their enemies before Jehoshaphat's army ever even made it to the battlefield. (2 Chronicles 20:21-23)

When an army attacked Judah and the king of Assyria sent messengers to their walls to mock Judah's God and His servant Hezekiah, King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah responded by praying. God answered them by sending an angel to wipe out their enemy. (2 Chronicles 32:16-21)

When God kept foiling the enemy's attacks on Israel through His prophet, Elisha, King Aram sent an impressive fighting force to kill the prophet. When Elisha's servant woke up and saw the enemy surrounding them, he became afraid."He (Elisha) said, 'Don't worry about it - there are more on our side than on their side.' Then Elisha prayed, 'O GOD, open his eyes and let him see.'" When the servant again looked he was astonished to see the whole mountainside full of horses and chariots of fire surrounding Elisha. (2 Kings 6:8-23)

God heard the cries of His people and He responded. Without Him they would have been defeated. Outside of Him they had no hope. They came to Him outnumbered, afraid, and unsure. The Lord saw their heartache and He moved on their behalf. 

I wonder what it sounds like when an army of angels is dispatched to go fight for and protect God's children. I wonder what it looks like when these angels draw their swords, surround their charge, and take up a fighting stance. I wonder what it feels like to be aware when you're inside a protective circle of God's angle army where no harm can reach beyond their ranks. 

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Ephesians 6:12KJV)

I want to fully grasp this Truth. That my fight is not with man, but with Satan. And the enemy will use whatever he can to defeat me. If he can cause any form of disruption in my life, he will do so. He does not want me to walk in the callings God's placed on my life so he will do what he can to derail me from God's path.

So the next time I feel like the whole world's gone crazy and turned against me, when I feel alone and cut off from any form of help, when everything seems bleak may I respond with praise and worship to my King. I can trust that my enemy will be defeated because the God of angel armies is on my side and He will dispatch these beings to fight for me.


That's all I have. An unfinished post, but a full message nonetheless. 

Our victories may look different today then they did in Biblical times, 
but they're no less powerful and real. 
God's answer may come in different forms,
 but His answer will always come. 
Our angels will most likely not appear as we've always imagined them to look, 
but that doesn't mean we're not seeing them.

There is always hope. Even in the darkest of days, in the hardest of trials, in the fiercest circumstances. There is always Hope.

May we all be encouraged today by these simple yet powerful words:

I know Who goes before me
I know Who stands behind
The God of Angel Armies 
Is always by my side.
The One who reigns forever
He is a Friend of mine
The God of Angel Armies
Is always by my side.

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