Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Keep Singing

In the past several weeks, I've been thinking a lot about how I want my faith and my love for Jesus to be the life I live. Not like it's a part of my life, but that it is my life. I want to be so engaged in His presence, so intertwined with Him that anyone who comes into contact with me, comes into contact with Him. No matter where I'm at, I want people to encounter Jesus simply by crossing my path…

*Photo found on Pinterest

I love singing to Jesus.

Whether it be at church with fellow believers, at home with my dogs, or singing along with the radio in the car. I love the feelings that come over me when I press into His presence through singing. There's such an overwhelming sense of His love to me when I put everything else aside and set my mind on Him, truly engaging in what He's doing around me and within me

There's been a chorus on repeat in my head the past several days:

"Holy Spirit,You are welcome here
Come flood this place & fill the atmosphere.
Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for
To be overcome by Your presence, Lord."

I realized the other day that, while I'll go around the house singing it over and over freely, I'll be silent when I go out in public. When I began to think about how often this happens, I was just filled with this thought of, "No! Keep singing!

Now, I don't sing in front of people. I'll break out in random song around my husband or immediate family, but other than that I tend to keep my singing to myself. I'm fairly certain this is why I stop singing when I go into public places. I'm afraid of people's reactions, of what they think of my voice. This world can be cruel and I'd rather not give the haters the opportunity to hate.

On that day though, I began seeing snapshots of me at random places while still inviting Holy Spirit to be there with me. At the grocery store. At the hospital. I was just picturing me walking through these places and no longer being silent. I just kept singing. I wasn't singing loudly or in a way that would draw attention to myself. I was simply acknowledging Him and inviting Him to be with me wherever I was at. 

*Photo found on Pinterest

While seeing these flashes in my mind, I was also filled with this feeling, this certainty that while I was quietly praising Jesus as I was walking down the store aisles or walking through the hospital hallways, His presence would settle and rest upon each person that I passed. Not because of me and who I am, but because of Him and Who He is. Because He has such overwhelming love for His children and I had welcomed Him into our presence through my song.

Friends, I want that.

I'm chasing after that.

On Monday of this week, I went along to a family member's doctor appointment. As I was sitting in the waiting room while they got checked in, I began to sing that chorus and invite Holy Spirit to be there with us all. I looked at each person I could see from my seat while I sang and I silently prayed that they would feel Him in those moments.

*Photo found on Pinerest

Did anything happen to any of those people? I don't know. I'm hoping I get the answer to that question when I live in Heaven one day. :) What I do know is this - I stepped out in faith and chased after my Abba and He was pleased. I made Papa smile. Do you know what else?

You can too!

Sing His praises as you go about your day. Become aware of Him as you go from moment to moment. Welcome Him into every situation you encounter throughout your day. Consciously choose to extend Him an open invitation into your life. 

Join with me, Friends, in inviting Holy Spirit to be present in every single breath of our day. As we lift Him up, may He rest upon us and dwell among us and inhabit our praises

May those around us encounter Him because we make the daily choice to keep singing.

*I posted this video on Facebook this past Monday. The Holy Spirit was really just prompting me to share this message and encourage people to invite Him into their daily lives. The response was overwhelming! I was so blessed by all the kind things people were saying and so humbled in the way God used me to encourage His precious ones. I'm sharing this with you, my readers, in hopes that it will encourage you or someone you know as well. Be blessed, Friends!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Thanks for sharing, Andrea! I love to sing at work. I'm getting a little braver about letting my co-workers hear me. I think it's a way to bring God's presence to the surrounding atmosphere, like you said. Go for it! Keep singing! Your voice is a gift to give and so is your heart beyond the song...